会督感恩与代祷 Bishop’s Thanksgiving & Intercession

2025年2月會督感恩与代祷100+ Thanksgiving Bible Verses That Will Make You Thankful

1. 感恩主带领过去 10 天会督和师母在七场的崇拜与一些农历新年聚会中 证道与服事,参加澳西牧者联谊会,也藉著新春佳节拜访了一些的牧者与 会友。

2. 为会督与师母 2 月行程与服事祷告。
02/2 感恩堂华语,及英语 崇拜证道与主持圣餐,
09/2 神恩堂华语,及英语崇拜证道,
16/2 谢恩堂华语崇拜证道,师母怀恩堂证道,schedule
23/3 上午沐恩堂证道,下午 Wyndham 佈道站证道。

3. 為 2 月要进行的各部 Zoom 会议祷告:
05/2 真道学院 LAMM,
06/2 会 督理事会,
11/2 崇拜与音乐部,
12/2 年会成团与妇团 2026 营会筹备 会,
19/2 牧职部,
20/2 经济部,
21/2 卫理医疗与宣教机构 MMM,同时也为 08/2 澳西教区林国埊会友领袖主持安全教会座谈,下午会友事工座 谈会。Prayer for the week

4. 為年会全体牧者于 24/2-28/2 在墨尔本参与讲道培训营祷告。求主藉著 讲师的授课及大家努力的学习,把讲道的恩赐更多的加给牧者们。

5. 为牧者及教会积极推动年会 2025 的目标:接受装备,活用恩赐。鼓励 兄弟姐妹接受训练,同心参与事奉,鼓励献身就读神学。

6. 为 2025 年世界的和平与稳定祷告。战争的地区能恢复和平,火灾与水 灾的地区得以重建,以及各国政治,经济与社会获得稳定。

February 2025 Bishop’s Thanksgiving and Intercession

1. Give thanks to the Lord for leading the Bishop and Mrs. Nee preached and served in seven worship services and some Lunar New Year gatherings in the past 10 days, attended the West District Pastors’ Fellowship, and visited some pastors and members of the congregation during the Lunar New Year holidays.100+ Thanksgiving Bible Verses That Will Make You Thankful

2. Pray for the Bishop’s Preaching Ministry in February.
02/2 Grace MC both C+E services and Holy Communion,
09/2 Immanuel MC both C+E services,
16/2 Camberwell MC, Hannah at Preston MC,
23/3 City Light MC and Wyndham PP

3. Pray for the AC Zoom Meetings in February:
05/2 LAMM,schedule
06/2 Council on the Episcopacy,
11/2 Worship and Music,
12/2 AC Adult and Women’s 2026 Camp organising Meeting,
19/2 Bo Ministry,
20/2 Bo Finance,
21/2 Methodist Medical and Mission (MMM). Also pray for 08/2 West District safe church and laity seminar by AC Lay Leader Thomas Ling and bishop.

4. Pray for all AC pastors to participate in the Preaching Camp in Melbourne on 24/2-28/2. Pray that through the lecturers’ teaching and everyone’s hard work, the Lord will give more gifts of preaching to the pastors.

5. Pray for the pastors and churches to actively promote the goal of Annual Conference 2025: Be Equipped to Serve, Use Spiritual Gifts. Encourage brothers and sisters to receive training, participate in ministry with one heart, and encourage dedication to theological studies.

6. Pray for peace and stability in The World in 2025. Pray for peace to be restored to areas affected by war, for areas affected by fires and floods to be rebuilt, and for political, economic and social stability to prevail in all  countries.




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